Volume 2: How Would ReproNim Publish a Set of NIfTI Files¶
Version 0.91, published September 3, 2020.
doi: 10.18116/97c1-z931
Change log
Version 0.9: published April 6, 2020.
Version 0.91: published September 3, 2020. Formatting for Sphinx.
This document teaches:
How to put a dataset under DataLad control:
datalad create ...
datalad save ...
How to “publish” this dataset:
datalad export-to-figshare ...
How to add semantic markup to your demograhpic information
csv2nidm ...
Not only easily citable, but easily shareable (with DataLad install):
datalad create-sibling-github ...
What you gain from the ReproNim Way:
Ease of sharability and publication
Complete description and machine readability
Stakeholder: Stakeholder: End User (Data Acquirer)
Problem Statement¶
I have a tar file of NIfTI files and csv file of subject demographics of some imaging data that I currently share at NITRC. I would like to ‘publish’ this data in a Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) way. How can ReproNim Help?
NOTE: In this example, we do not really want you to follow along explicitly, you do not need to republish this dataset. However, this guide to how we did this will hopefully serve to assist you in publishing a dataset of your own.
In this example we use shared data from the CANDIShare Project, imaging data release for (Frazier et al. 2008). Overall in this project there are 103 structural scans (T1) for children released as 4 tarballs of .nii files, containing the imaging data for the Healthy Controls, Bipolar with psychosis, Bipolar without psychosis, and Schizophrenia Spectrum disorder, respectively. For this example, we will use just the Healthy Control version 1.1 data, available at this link. This tar file also includes a .csv demographics file containing information of the following type:
Subject |
Gender |
Age |
Handedness |
HC_001 |
male |
13.5 |
RH |
HC_002 |
male |
13.4 |
RH |
HC_003 |
male |
6.2 |
RH |
… |
ReproNim Solution¶
In theory¶
Given that the goal here is to ‘publish’ this, in other words make the data available to others, we can solve this in a couple of ways using ReproNim tools.
Minimum Solution: Put the data (unpacked tar file and demographics file) under DalaLad control, and use the DataLad publish functionality. The problem with the minimum solution is that the data is not ‘self describing’ and hence will require significant explanation about content of the shared information.
Intermediate Solution: Use standardized representations for the data. Specifically, use the BIDS representation for the imaging data, so that the types of data and file layout is clear. Use the NIDM representation for the demographic content, so that the meaning of the various demographic fields are self describing. Doing one of the other of these standardizations is an improvement over the minimum solution. Then, put this data under DataLad control and use the DataLad ‘publish’ functionality.
Ideal Solution: Do both BIDS and NIDM representations of the data, creating a ReproBIDS representation for maximal interpretability of the shared data. Then, put this data under DataLad control and use the DataLad ‘publish’ functionality.
In Practice: The Gory Details¶
OK, we can do this!
I have a folder, it has my demographics file (HC_Basic_Demographics.csv) and a subfolder for each of my 29 subjects (<subject>). Each subfolder has a pair of NIfTI files, <subject>_procimg.nii.gz (a spatially normalized (to MNI152 space) and cropped T1-weighted structural scan)) and <subject>_seg.nii.gz (a semi-manual segmentation result (from CMA), fill values representing structures as decoded here). See the following Figure.
Minimum Solution¶
I can just put this folder under DataLad control.
Do you have DataLad? (Need to install DataLad? See here.) I do
> datalad --version
datalad 0.12.2
Is that up to date? Check here.
In the HC directory, lets create the DataLad dataset with the existing content:
> datalad create --force
[INFO ] Creating a new annex repo at
**create** (**ok**): /Users/davidkennedy/Downloads/SchizBull_2008/HC (**dataset**)
And now we add our content into this dataset1:
> datalad save -m "adding all my HC data"
**add** (**ok**): .DS_Store (**file**)
**add** (**ok**): HC_001/HC_001_procimg.nii.gz (**file**)
**add** (**ok**): HC_001/HC_001_seg.nii.gz (**file**)
**add** (**ok**): HC_002/HC_002_procimg.nii.gz (**file**)
**add** (**ok**): HC_002/HC_002_seg.nii.gz (**file**)
**add** (**ok**): HC_003/HC_003_procimg.nii.gz (**file**)
**add** (**ok**): HC_003/HC_003_seg.nii.gz (**file**)
**add** (**ok**): HC_Basic_Demographics.csv (**file**)
**save** (**ok**): . (**dataset**)
action summary:
add (ok: 60)
save (ok: 1)
Great, now we have the HC dataset in DataLad! Let’s publish it. In this case, we are using FigShare as our publication target (many other publication targets could be used by DataLad, see the DataLad Handbook “VIII - Third party infrastructure”). You should create an account there if you wish to follow this example. There are numerous other publication targets, consult the DataLad documentation.
> datalad export-to-figshare
[INFO ] Exporting current tree as an archive under /Users/davidkennedy/Downloads/SchizBull_2008/SchizBull_HC since figshare does not support directories
[INFO ] Uploading /Users/davidkennedy/Downloads/SchizBull_2008/SchizBull_HC/datalad_683c3c38-4a92-11ea-82b7-784f436580b3.zip to figshare
**Would you like to create a new article to upload to? If not - we will list existing articles (choices: yes, no): yes**
[INFO ] Created a new (private) article 11857593 at https://figshare.com/account/articles/11857593. Please visit it, enter additional meta-data and make public
[INFO ] 'Registering'
/Users/davidkennedy/Downloads/SchizBull_2008/SchizBull_HC/datalad_683c3c38-4a92-11ea-82b7-784f436580b3.zip within annex
[INFO ] Adding URL https://ndownloader.figshare.com/files/21732114 for
[INFO ] Registering links back for the content of the archive
[INFO ] Adding content of the archive
/Users/davidkennedy/Downloads/SchizBull_2008/SchizBull_HC/datalad_683c3c38-4a92-11ea-82b7-784f436580b3.zip into annex <AnnexRepo path=/Users/davidkennedy/Downloads/SchizBull_2008/SchizBull_HC (<class 'datalad.support.annexrepo.AnnexRepo'>)>
[INFO ] Initiating special remote datalad-archives
[INFO ] Finished adding
Files processed: 63, removed: 63, +git: 2, +annex: 61
[INFO ] Removing generated and now registered in annex archive
**export_to_figshare** (**ok**): <Dataset path=/Users/davidkennedy/Downloads/SchizBull_2008/SchizBull_HC>
[Published archive https://ndownloader.figshare.com/files/21732114]
Now, you simply log into your FigShare account, go to ‘my data’ and select the content you just uploaded. Initially, this content is private only to you. You now need to update the metadata and information about the content so that you can select ‘publish’, thereby making this publicly accessible and generating a DOI.
Voila! You’ve just published that dataset.
Kennedy, David; Frazier, Jean; Haselgrove, Christian (2020): SchizBull_HC. figshare. Dataset. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.11857593.v1
Intermediate Solution¶
We can improve the above solution by representing our two types of data (images and demographics) in a more self-describing representation. We look at each of these topics in the next sections.
NIDM is a Semantic Web based metadata standard that helps capture and describe experimental data, analytic workflows and statistical results via the provenance of the data. NIDM uses consistent data descriptors in the form of machine accessible terminology, and a formal, extensible data model, which enables rich aggregation and query across datasets and domains.
When behavioral data is stored in a ‘comma separated variable’ (.csv) file, ReproNim has provided a tool to support the representation of this information in the NIDM format. Specifically, ‘csv2nidm’ supports this conversion. To use this tool, we need PyNIDM.
Do you have PyNIDM? (Need to install PyNIDM? For full details see here.)
In most cases you can Open terminal window and install it into your Python environment with pip.
> pip install pynidm
Within PyNIDM is the csv2nidm tool we will want to use. csv2nidm uses the InterLex API. To use this, we need each user to have an API key. We get this by doing the following:
Click ’login’ in upper right corner
If you do not have an InterLex account, click ‘Register’…
Once logged in click “MyAccount” -> API Keys
Re-authorize; click generate_an_API button
- Copy your newly created key and add it as an environment variable
in your system called INTERLEX_API_KEY to use in the next steps
Identify your CSV file to annotate: HC_Basic_Demographics.csv. In this case, the CSV file should contain 1 row of variable names which should be the first row of the file. Each subsequent row is the data for your participants.
From a terminal window:
> csv2nidm -csv [YOUR CSV FILE.csv] -out [YOUR OUTPUT FILE.ttl]
Iterate through selecting terms from InterLex or changing your search string.
Example session below:
UserWarning: Using slow pure-python SequenceMatcher. Install python-Levenshtein to remove this warning
warnings.warn('Using slow pure-python SequenceMatcher. Install python-Levenshtein to remove this warning')
json mapping file not supplied
Query String: Subject
InterLex Terms (CDEs):
1: Label: Research Subject Definition: Preferred URL:
2: Label: EEG Subject Definition: Preferred URL:
3: Label: SSC-Subject Definition: Preferred URL:
4: Label: Genomics Subject Definition: Preferred URL:
5: Label: blood_id (Research Subject) Definition: blood ID Preferred
URL: http://uri.interlex.org/NDA/uris/datadictionary/elements/2023754
6: Label: gender (Research Subject) Definition: Sex of the subject
Preferred URL:
7: Label: agre_subject_id (Research Subject) Definition: AGRE subject ID
Preferred URL:
8: Label: cpea_site (Research Subject) Definition: CPEA/STAART site name
Preferred URL:
9: Label: src_sibling4_id (Research Subject) Definition: site specific
sibling4 ID Preferred URL:
10: Label: physiological_responses_type (Research Subject) Definition:
Description of monitored physiological responses Preferred URL:
NIDM Terms:
11: Label(NIDM Term): In-vivo Subject Definition: None URL:
12: Label(NIDM Term): In-vitro Subject Definition: None URL:
13: Label(NIDM Term): Ex-vivo Subject Definition: None URL:
14: Broaden Interlex query
15: Change Interlex query string from: "Subject"
16: Define my own term for this variable
**Please select an option (1:16) from above: 11**
Stored mapping Column: DD(source='HC_Basic_Demographics.csv',
variable='Subject') ->
Label: In-vivo Subject
Definition: None
json mapping file not supplied
Query String: Gender
InterLex Terms (CDEs):
1: Label: srs_gender (AGRE SRS Child 2002) Definition: Child Gender
Preferred URL:
2: Label: childgen (Developmental Assessment of Children from Spanish
Speaking Families) Definition: Child gender Preferred URL:
3: Label: revadult_gendertotal (Reading the Mind in the Eyes Task
(RMET)) Definition: Gender Total Preferred URL:
4: Label: sclgender (Family History Epidemiologic) Definition:
respondent's gender Preferred URL:
5: Label: nimh_rv_dem_03 (NIMH RV Demographics) Definition: Current
gender identity Preferred URL:
6: Label: ques_gender6 (PQ Demographics) Definition: Gender -Sibling 6
Preferred URL:
7: Label: ques_gender4 (Medical Demographics) Definition: Gender
-Sibling 4 Preferred URL:
8: Label: bio_childgender_5 (Prenatal and Early Postnatal History)
Definition: Biological child gender Preferred URL:
9: Label: resp_sex (Side Effects) Definition: gender of respondent
Preferred URL:
10: Label: resp_sex (Swanson, Nolan and Pelham SNAP-IV Rating Scale)
Definition: gender of respondent Preferred URL:
NIDM Terms:
11: Label(NIDM Term): generic name Definition: None URL:
12: Broaden Interlex query
13: Change Interlex query string from: "Gender"
14: Define my own term for this variable
**Please select an option (1:14) from above: 12**
Query String: Gender
InterLex Terms (CDEs):
1: Label: childgen (Developmental Assessment of Children from Spanish
Speaking Families) Definition: Child gender Preferred URL:
2: Label: srs_gender (AGRE SRS Child 2002) Definition: Child Gender
Preferred URL:
3: Label: childgen (Family and Child Background Questionnaire)
Definition: Child gender Preferred URL:
4: Label: sclgender (Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) 6-18) Definition:
respondent's gender Preferred URL:
5: Label: sclgender (Symptom Checklist-90-Revised) Definition:
respondent's gender Preferred URL:
6: Label: gender_score (Child Eyes Test (2006)) Definition: Gender Score
Preferred URL:
7: Label: childgen (Parent Demographics Interview) Definition: Child
gender Preferred URL:
8: Label: childgen (UC Provider Care) Definition: Child gender Preferred
URL: http://uri.interlex.org/NDA/uris/datadictionary/elements/2062243
9: Label: ques_gendernotes (CHARGE Family Characteristics Questionnaire)
Definition: Gender -Notes Preferred URL:
10: Label: sclgender (PQ Demographics) Definition: respondent's gender
Preferred URL:
InterLex Terms (PDEs):
11: Label: Gender Definition: temporary definition of gender Preferred
URL: http://uri.interlex.org/base/ilx_0738263
NIDM Terms:
12: Label(NIDM Term): generic name Definition: None URL:
13: Narrow Interlex query
14: Change Interlex query string from: "Gender"
15: Define my own term for this variable
**Please select an option (1:15) from above: 14**
**Please input new search term for CSV column: Gender :sex**
Query String: sex
InterLex Terms (CDEs):
1: Label: Sex Definition: The difference between male and female, based
upon the interactions between genes and between the genotype and the
environment. Genotype is identified based on the individual's
reproductive organs and functions assigned by chromosomal complement.
Preferred URL: http://uri.interlex.org/base/ilx_0112866
2: Label: ORGM SEX Definition: Sex Preferred URL:
3: Label: Animal sex type Definition: Type of animal species sex as
determined by observation Preferred URL:
4: Label: relsex (Family Contacts) Definition: relative sex Preferred
URL: http://uri.interlex.org/NDA/uris/datadictionary/elements/2085341
5: Label: relsex (Family History) Definition: relative sex Preferred
URL: http://uri.interlex.org/NDA/uris/datadictionary/elements/2130113
6: Label: Sex of animal participant/subject genotype type Definition:
Sex chromosomes of the animal participant/subject based upon genotyping
Preferred URL: http://uri.interlex.org/base/ilx_0383305
7: Label: psm4rosb (Psychosocial Interview) Definition: Relationships
with opposite sex - having sex with many Preferred URL:
8: Label: srd9_2 (Self-Reported Delinquency) Definition: had unsafe sex
Preferred URL:
9: Label: rel_same_sex (ACS Post Stratification Weights) Definition:
Same sex twin Preferred URL:
10: Label: aesa7f (Adverse Events) Definition: Sex Drive: Have you had
any problems with your sex drive? (Severe = no interest in sex)
Preferred URL:
11: Narrow Interlex query
12: Change Interlex query string from: "sex"
13: Define my own term for this variable
**Please select an option (1:13) from above: 1**
Stored mapping Column: DD(source='HC_Basic_Demographics.csv',
variable='Gender') ->
Label: Sex
Definition: The difference between male and female, based upon the
interactions between genes and between the genotype and the environment.
Genotype is identified based on the individual's reproductive organs and
functions assigned by chromosomal complement.
Url: http://uri.interlex.org/base/ilx_0112866
json mapping file not supplied
Query String: Age
InterLex Terms (CDEs):
1: Label: Participant Age Definition: Age at the time of study
enrollment, expressed in number of years completed at the last birthday.
Preferred URL: http://uri.interlex.org/base/ilx_0115067
2: Label: age (Omnibus) Definition: Age (years: months: days) Preferred
URL: http://uri.interlex.org/NDA/uris/datadictionary/elements/2109856
3: Label: Age Differentiation Test Definition: Preferred URL:
4: Label: age (Vital Signs) Definition: Age (years: months: days)
Preferred URL:
5: Label: adt36_a_female_rtcr (Age Differentiation Test) Definition:
Response Time for Correct Females Trials (ms) Preferred URL:
6: Label: adt36_a_pct10_cr (Age Differentiation Test) Definition:
Correct Responses for Age Differentiation Test 10 Percent Preferred URL:
7: Label: adt36_a_ca_rtcr (Age Differentiation Test) Definition:
Response Time for Correct Caucasian Trials (ms) Preferred URL:
8: Label: adt36_a_female_cr (Age Differentiation Test) Definition:
Correct Responses for Females Trials Preferred URL:
9: Label: adt36_a_nonca_rtcr (Age Differentiation Test) Definition:
Response Time for Correct Non-Caucasian Trials (ms) Preferred URL:
10: Label: adt36_a_cnt_200 (Age Differentiation Test) Definition: Total
Count Under 200 (ms) Preferred URL:
NIDM Terms:
11: Label(NIDM Term): name Definition: None URL:
12: Label(NIDM Term): race Definition: None URL:
13: Label(NIDM Term): age Definition: None URL:
14: Label(NIDM Term): male Definition: A biological sex quality inhering
in an individual or a population whose sex organs contain only male
gametes. URL: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/PATO_0000384
15: Broaden Interlex query
16: Change Interlex query string from: "Age"
17: Define my own term for this variable
**Please select an option (1:17) from above: 1**
Stored mapping Column: DD(source='HC_Basic_Demographics.csv',
variable='Age') ->
Label: Participant Age
Definition: Age at the time of study enrollment, expressed in number of
years completed at the last birthday.
Url: http://uri.interlex.org/base/ilx_0115067
json mapping file not supplied
Query String: Handedness
InterLex Terms (CDEs):
1: Label: behavioralobservations_hand (Pattern Comparison Processing
Speed) Definition: Handedness Preferred URL:
2: Label: handedness (Tool Use Task) Definition: handedness Preferred
URL: http://uri.interlex.org/NDA/uris/datadictionary/elements/2224214
3: Label: sum2_hand (The Comprehensive Affect Testing System)
Definition: Handedness Preferred URL:
4: Label: behavioralobservations_hand (Cognition Composite Scores)
Definition: Handedness Preferred URL:
5: Label: handedness (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children III)
Definition: handedness Preferred URL:
6: Label: handedness (WASI-2) Definition: handedness Preferred URL:
7: Label: handedness (Affective Disorders Evaluation) Definition:
handedness Preferred URL:
8: Label: handedness (Cannabis Withdrawal Scale) Definition: handedness
Preferred URL:
9: Label: handedness (Judgment of Line Orientation - Form H) Definition:
handedness Preferred URL:
10: Label: handedness (Demographics) Definition: handedness Preferred
URL: http://uri.interlex.org/NDA/uris/datadictionary/elements/2132569
NIDM Terms:
11: Label(NIDM Term): right handedness Definition: Handedness where the
organism preferentially uses the right hand or foot for tasks requiring
the use of a single hand or foot or a dominant hand or foot. URL:
12: Label(NIDM Term): handedness Definition: A behavioral quality
inhering ina bearer by virtue of the bearer's unequal distribution of
fine motor skill between its left and right hands or feet. URL:
13: Label(NIDM Term): ambidextrous handedness Definition: Handedness
where the organism exhibits no overall dominance in the use of right or
left hand or foot in the performance of tasks that require one hand or
foot or a dominant hand or foot. URL:
14: Label(NIDM Term): left handedness Definition: Handedness where the
organism preferentially uses the left hand or foot for tasks requiring
the use of a single hand or foot or a dominant hand or foot. URL:
15: Broaden Interlex query
16: Change Interlex query string from: "Handedness"
17: Define my own term for this variable
**Please select an option (1:17) from above: 12**
Stored mapping Column: DD(source='HC_Basic_Demographics.csv',
variable='Handedness') ->
Label: handedness
Definition: A behavioral quality inhering ina bearer by virtue of the
bearer's unequal distribution of fine motor skill between its left and
right hands or feet.
Url: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/PATO_0002201
Creating NIDM file...
1: Subject
2: Gender
3: Age
4: Handedness
**Please select the subject ID field from the list above: 1**
Writing NIDM file....
I now have my NIDM file (HC.ttl) and a JSON file (HC.json). We want the NIDM file for query and the JSON file if you may want to be able to re-convert your CSV in the future without going through all the variable mapping procedure again. Add these files to he datalad control:
> datalad save -m "Added NIDM representation of this dataset"
**add** (**ok**): HC.json (**file**)
**add** (**ok**): HC.ttl (**file**)
**save** (**ok**): . (**dataset**)
action summary:
add (ok: 2)
save (ok: 1)
We can publish this, as above, with the “raw images plus NIDM demographics”.
> datalad export-to-figshare
[INFO ] Exporting current tree as an archive under /Users/davidkennedy/Downloads/SchizBull_2008/SchizBull_HC since figshare does not support directories
[INFO ] Uploading /Users/davidkennedy/Downloads/SchizBull_2008/SchizBull_HC/datalad_683c3c38-4a92-11ea-82b7-784f436580b3.zip to figshare
**Would you like to create a new article to upload to? If not - we will list existing articles (choices: yes, no): no**
11857593 https://api.figshare.com/v2/account/articles/11857593 - SchizBull_HC
9943046 https://api.figshare.com/v2/account/articles/9943046 - reprokwyk Re-Executable Example
**Which of the articles should we upload to. (choices: 11857593,
9943046): 11857593**
[INFO ] 'Registering' /Users/davidkennedy/Downloads/SchizBull_2008/SchizBull_HC/datalad_683c3c38-4a92-11ea-82b7-784f436580b3.zip within annex
[INFO ] Adding URL https://ndownloader.figshare.com/files/21732456 for it
[INFO ] Registering links back for the content of the archive
[INFO ] Adding content of the archive /Users/davidkennedy/Downloads/SchizBull_2008/SchizBull_HC/datalad_683c3c38-4a92-11ea-82b7-784f436580b3.zip into annex <AnnexRepo path=/Users/davidkennedy/Downloads/SchizBull_2008/SchizBull_HC (<class 'datalad.support.annexrepo.AnnexRepo'>)>
[INFO ] Finished adding /Users/davidkennedy/Downloads/SchizBull_2008/SchizBull_HC/datalad_683c3c38-4a92-11ea-82b7-784f436580b3.zip: Files processed: 65, removed: 65, +git: 2, +annex: 63
[INFO ] Removing generated and now registered in annex archive
**export_to_figshare** (**ok**): <Dataset path=/Users/davidkennedy/Downloads/SchizBull_2008/SchizBull_HC>
[Published archive https://ndownloader.figshare.com/files/21732456]
So, there are some interesting things to note here. First, since we had already published a version of this, we opted to add this content to the previous ‘article’. We can release this updated version as Version 2. There is some handling in FigShare necessary to generate the Version 2 release. Specifically, you have to edit the release, delete the original zip file, retaining only the most recent zip file, and ‘publish again’ as a new version. You can also update the description/abstract/authors, etc. if needed.
BIDS is a standard prescribing a formal way to name and organize neuroimaging data and metadata in a file system that simplifies communication and collaboration between users, and enables easier data validation and software development through using consistent paths and naming for data files.
At the moment, there are no ‘simple’ convert NIfTI data to BIDS tools. It is essentially a “Do It Yourself (DIY)” situation between the investigators and the NIfTI data they have. The BIDS specification is here. Good Luck! The details of this transformation are beyond the scope of this article, so for the sake of this discussion. Also, for simplicity, we are only considering the structural (anat/sub-HC*_T1w.nii.gz) subset of the data, as handling the ‘cardviews segmentation results (HC*_seg.nii.gz)’ from the original release would also require handling this data in the ‘BIDS derivatives’ section of the BIDS spec, a task for a more advanced chapter of this volume). I now have a BIDS compliant version of the NIfTI data:
It generates some warnings at the BIDS Validator, but is otherwise valid BIDS.
As above, we can put this under DataLad control:
> datalad save -m "Added NIDM representation of this dataset"
You could publish this: BIDS (the original demographic information is not in the participants.tsv file).
> datalad export-to-figshare
[INFO ] Exporting current tree as an archive under /Users/davidkennedy/Data/SchizBull/SchizBull_2008_HC_BIDS since figshare does not support directories
[INFO ] Uploading /Users/davidkennedy/Data/SchizBull/SchizBull_2008_HC_BIDS/datalad_513b5ec6-191a-11e9-8a25-784f436580b3.zip to figshare
**Would you like to create a new article to upload to? If not - we will list existing articles (choices: yes, no): no**
11857593 https://api.figshare.com/v2/account/articles/11857593 - SchizBull_HC
9943046 https://api.figshare.com/v2/account/articles/9943046 - reprokwyk Re-Executable Example
**Which of the articles should we upload to. (choices: 11857593, 9943046): 11857593**
[INFO ] 'Registering' /Users/davidkennedy/Data/SchizBull/SchizBull_2008_HC_BIDS/datalad_513b5ec6-191a-11e9-8a25-784f436580b3.zip within annex
[INFO ] Adding URL https://ndownloader.figshare.com/files/21733017 for it
[INFO ] Registering links back for the content of the archive
[INFO ] Adding content of the archive /Users/davidkennedy/Data/SchizBull/SchizBull_2008_HC_BIDS/datalad_513b5ec6-191a-11e9-8a25-784f436580b3.zip into annex <AnnexRepo path=/Users/davidkennedy/Data/SchizBull/SchizBull_2008_HC_BIDS (<class 'datalad.support.annexrepo.AnnexRepo'>)>
[INFO ] Initiating special remote datalad-archives
[INFO ] Finished adding /Users/davidkennedy/Data/SchizBull/SchizBull_2008_HC_BIDS/datalad_513b5ec6-191a-11e9-8a25-784f436580b3.zip:
Files processed: 41, removed: 41, +git: 2, +annex: 39
[INFO ] Removing generated and now registered in annex archive
**export_to_figshare** (**ok**): <Dataset path=/Users/davidkennedy/Data/SchizBull/SchizBull_2008_HC_BIDS>
[Published archive https://ndownloader.figshare.com/files/21733017]
As above, this version was added to the FigShare ‘article’. You now need to go into the FigShare article, edit/update the the release as needed (remove old archive), etc. and save/publish new version.
OK, Version 3 published!
Ideal Solution¶
Well, now that you’ve taken the original image and demographics content, and expressed them both in the appropriate ‘standard’ and published each of these variants separately (Version 1 = plain old NIfTI files; Version 2 = plain old NIfTI files plus NIDM demographics; Version 3 = BIDS representation of the imaging data), the ReproNim recommendation is to combine these standards to generate a ReproBIDS version of the data. To do this, we simply add the NIDM files to the BIDS structure. We copy the .ttl file to nidm.ttl in the top level of the BIDS file structure (keep the .json file for future use of you convert similar csv demographics files in the future); and update the .bidsignore file to exclude the the nidm.ttl file, in order to retain our valid BIDS representation.
Now, update the DataLad:
> datalad save -m “adding the NIDM demographics and updated .bidsignore”
**add** (**ok**): nidm.ttl (**file**)
**save** (**ok**): . (**dataset**)
action summary:
add (ok: 1)
save (ok: 1)
And publish!
> datalad export-to-figshare
[INFO ] Exporting current tree as an archive under
/Users/davidkennedy/Data/SchizBull/SchizBull_2008_HC_BIDS since figshare
does not support directories
[INFO ] Uploading
to figshare
**Would you like to create a new article to upload to? If not - we will
list existing articles (choices: yes, no): no**
11857593 https://api.figshare.com/v2/account/articles/11857593 -
9943046 https://api.figshare.com/v2/account/articles/9943046 - reprokwyk
Re-Executable Example
**Which of the articles should we upload to. (choices: 11857593,
9943046): 11857593**
[INFO ] 'Registering'
within annex
[INFO ] Adding URL https://ndownloader.figshare.com/files/21738879 for
[INFO ] Registering links back for the content of the archive
[INFO ] Adding content of the archive
into annex <AnnexRepo
path=/Users/davidkennedy/Data/SchizBull/SchizBull_2008_HC_BIDS (<class
[INFO ] Finished adding
Files processed: 42, removed: 42, +git: 2, +annex: 40
[INFO ] Removing generated and now registered in annex archive
**export_to_figshare** (**ok**): <Dataset
[Published archive https://ndownloader.figshare.com/files/21738879]
In the above examples, we’ve used the datalad export-to-figshare as a proxy for publish. In this case, we have put the data in a publicly accessible location and generated a unique and citable identifier. So if someone accessed this data, they could appropriately cite the original authors (credit), and attribute the source of the data (supporting transparency of subsequent workflows using this data). If we perform a FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) assessment of this publication, we find that it is (with a good bit of work), findable in the FigShare search, accessible (CC By 4.0) via download of the data file, interoperable and reusable by virtue of it’s standards (NIfTI, BIDS and NIDM). So, that’s good, but it could be better. We can increase the interoperability and reusability by taking one more advantage of the use of DataLad. In addition to using DataLad to publish (to FigShare), we can use DataLad to make this datalad object reusable by others in DataLad. To do this, we can:
> datalad create-sibling-github SchizBull_HC
.: github(-) [https://github.com/dnkennedy/SchizBull_HC.git (git)]
'https://github.com/dnkennedy/SchizBull_HC.git' configured as sibling 'github' for <Dataset path=/Users/davidkennedy/Data/SchizBull/SchizBull_2008_HC_BIDS>
This associates your local ‘dataset’ with a specific GitHub repo and creates a placeholder in GitHub. It will ask for your GitHub username and password. In this example, you will end up with the repo “SchizBull_HC” in your GitHub account.
> datalad publish --to github
[INFO ] Publishing <Dataset
path=/Users/davidkennedy/Data/SchizBull/SchizBull_2008_HC_BIDS> to
Pushing github (resolving stuff): 1%\| \| 2.00/158 [00:00<00:00, 17.8k
objects/sPushing github (resolving stuff): 7%\| \| 11.0/158
[00:00<00:00, 56.4k objects/sPushing github (resolving stuff): 8%\| \|
12.0/158 [00:00<00:00, 46.1k objects/sPushing github (resolving stuff):
100/158 [00:00<00:00, 1.07k objects/s]
**publish** (**ok**): . (**dataset**) [pushed to github: ['[new branch]', '[new branch]']]
This command will propagate your local information into the above associated GitHub repo. The benefit of this procedure is that anyone can now ‘datalad install’ this dataset for subsequent reuse:
> datalad install https://github.com/dnkennedy/SchizBull_HC
[INFO ] Remote origin not usable by git-annex; setting annex-ignore
**install** (**ok**): /Users/davidkennedy/Downloads/tmp/SchizBull_HC
What did this cost me?¶
Here we compare and contrast the efforts needed to handle this task in ‘the ReproNim way’ versus the ‘standard way’. Approaching data publishing in ‘the standard way’ is complex, factors to consider include exactly what data to share, what sharing permissions and license, what repository to use, etc, and then get the data transferred in the appropriate fashion. In ‘the ReproNim way’, one is faced with the same questions that need to be answered, but upon selection of the answers, the ‘mechanics’ of executing the publishing become more straight forward and streamlined. In summary, this ‘cost’ me putting the data under DataLad control (installing and using DataLad), and, for more value, the effort to convert your data to BIDS, and provide semantic markup for your demographic data.
What have I gained?¶
Simplicity: With content under DataLad control we gain simplicity of publishing to various repositories as well as version-aware data handling. With the ReproBIDS construct, you have also gained complete self-description/ machine readability of your resulting shared dataset, greatly simplifying reuse (and citation) of your research output.
Interoperability: Using standards enhances interoperability. Specifically in this example, the demographic markup in NIDM helps the process of querying and merging across datasets while maintaining the data and metadata under version control.
Great! You’ve made it to the end here. There is so much more you could do, but we hope that this example has provided an conceptual example to attempt to adapt to your own specific needs. Feel free to contact the ReproNim team for assistance in solving your specific applications. To do this in practice, it would be great if you learn about the following tools:
- DataLad: Documentation,
PyNIDM: Git Repo
FigShare: Website
To learn more, see the ReproNim Website, or contact info@repronim.org.
- 1
Evil datalad adding .DS_Store junk. But no harm is done. Ideally, prior to this command, you would have done:
echo “.DS_Store” > .gitignore; datalad save -m “Ignore OSX .DS_Store files” .gitignore [YOH]