Volume 6: How Would ReproNim do an ABCD Analysis

Version 0.91, published September 3, 2020.

Change log

  • Version 0.9: published May 6, 2020.

  • Version 0.91: published September 3, 2020. Formatting for Sphinx.


Stakeholder: End User (Data Analyst)

Problem Statement

Here’s a simple ‘real world’ problem. I have access to ABCD data, and would like to run a containerized analysis on that imaging data. More specifically, let’s say that the container I’d like to run is dcanlabs/abcd-hcp-pipeline:latest (GitHub, DockerHub), a “BIDS application for processing functional MRI data, robust to scanner, acquisition and age variability”. NOTE: While the problem statement is ‘simple’, this is a rather complex exercise due to the requirement to manage protected access to ABCD.

ReproNim Solution

In theory

ABCD data is hosted in the cloud (AWS S3), thus imaging processing should be considered to also occur in the cloud (AWS EC2). We looked at a ‘simple’ local ‘container-run’ processing in the “How Would ReproNim: Do Local Container Analysis” (Volume 1) document. In this case, we will want to extend this to operating at an AWS EC2 computational resource. The steps include 1) moving the relevant data from the S3 storage site onto your EC2 instance; 2) running the container on your EC2 instance, and 3) copying the results off your EC2 instance.

In Practice: The Gory Details

OK, let’s do this!

The CloudComputeExample project at GitHub provides examples of this use case.

First, a little background and terminology I’m using:

I have a ‘$project’, in this case called “abcd-test”. I will have a script that runs on the EC2 instance, called “$project_aws.sh” (i.e. abcd-test_aws.sh) and a script that orchestrates the overall procedure from my local computer, called “$project_local.sh” (i.e. abcd-test_local.sh).

The steps include:

  1. Establish the AWS EC2 platform

    1. Instance type(s)

    2. Install necessary software

    3. AWS Script ($project_aws.sh)

  2. Establish the local controller

    1. Local Script ($project_local.sh)

1.a&b: EC2 Instance & software

This example requires minimal computational horsepower, as the task in this proof of concept to show the mechanics of the process, and not get drowned in the analytic demands (yet!). In this example, we have selected a m5.large instance (2 vCPUs, 8GB RAM, $0.096 per Hour). We selected the NITRC-CE-Lite base AMI, which come preconfigured with Docker (and Singularity) and a number of other NITRC desktop support functions preinstalled. To this we added the nda-abcd-s3-downloader (from GitHub).

My AWS instance is “i-0e8750dd1c7e02355”.

If you are creating a new instance, you need to enable the EnablesEC2ToAccessSystemsManagerRole in order to have this instance be permitted to receive remote execution commands.

1.c: Script to run on the EC2 Instance

Here (abcd-test_aws.sh) is the script that will be uploaded to the EC2 instance to control the EC2 instance operations.

This script has to manage A) getting the data it needs; B) running the container it wants on that data; and C) putting the results somewhere.

  1. In this case, the data it wants is being controlled by the details of nda-abcd-s3-downloader, which is configured by:

  • datastructure_manifest.txt - in this example, I procured my manifest using the instructions at nda-abcd-s3-downloader. As this EC2 instance is securely mine, I have chosen to put it (leave it) in the ~ubuntu/abcd-test directory on this instance. More generally, this file could be passed up to the EC2 from the local controller, if it can’t be left permanently there.

  • subsets.txt - names which subtypes of data should be included in to be pulled for each subject. In my example, I am just fetching:

    • inputs.anat.T1w

    • inputs.func.task-rest.

  • subj.txt - names which subjects to upload. In my example, I am just getting:

    • sub-NDARINV6WH2N8P4

We setup these data specification files locally, and they get pushed to the EC2 instance as part of the local controller script, so that they are present and available for the AWS control script.

Thus, the script runs:

# Fetch Case
echo "ABCD Fetching BIDS"
python3 ~ubuntu/nda-abcd-s3-downloader/download.py -o ~ubuntu/BIDS \
    -s ~ubuntu/$localdir/subj.txt \
    -i ~ubuntu/$localdir/datastructure_manifest.txt \
    -l ~ubuntu/nda-abcd-s3-downloader/log/ \
    -d ~ubuntu/$localdir/subsets.txt

Where $localdir has been named above in the script to be “abcd-test”. This fetched the data into ~ubuntu/BIDS.

  1. The container we want to run in this case is a simple “–print-commands-only” run of the dcanlabs/abcd-hcp-pipeline container.

This is invoked as:

# Run Container
docker run --rm -v /home/ubuntu/BIDS:/bids_input:ro \
    -v /home/ubuntu/DCAN:/output -v /home/ubuntu/$localdir/license.txt:/license \
    dcanlabs/abcd-hcp-pipeline /bids_input /output \
    --freesurfer-license=/license --print-commands-only >>\

Note: The FreeSurfer license file is also held locally, and pushed up to the instance by the local controller in the local setup phase. The output directory is specified as /home/ubuntu/DCAN, and the standard out is directed to /home/ubuntu/DCAN/log.

  1. We export the results to an AWS S3 bucket. This script assumes we have a S3 bucket called abcd-test/output, and then adds the generated results to a sub-folder thereof named $basename, a name that is passed into the aws script.

# Transfer data out
echo "Copying result to s3://abcd_test/output/$basename"
aws s3 cp ~ubuntu/DCAN s3://${bucket}/$basename --recursive --profile reprodnk

Upon this completion, the script executing on the EC2 would ask the instance to ‘shutdown’ so as to incur no further charges once the process has completed and the result exported. In this current example, I’m not shutting down, but rather remembering to do this manually, to help with debugging and make the demo run more quickly.

2. Local Control Script

Here (abcd-test_local.sh) is the script that is run on your local computer to manage the overall process. It A) takes your AWS EC2 Instance identifier and gets it started (i.e. starts it if it’s not started…); B) gets the IP of the instance, C) pushes up the script to run on the EC2 and all the needed support files, and D) launches the AWS script on the EC2. The local script takes as inputs the part to a local folder where my nda-abcd-s3-downloader control files are and a $basename for the resulting directory where the results will go, in this case assumed to be a subfolder of the S3 bucket “abcd-test/output”.

  1. Start EC2

# Start Instance
echo "Launching and waiting"
echo "IID = $IID"
aws ec2 start-instances --instance-ids $IID --profile reprodnk
aws ec2 wait instance-status-ok --instance-ids $IID --profile reprodnk
  1. Get Instance IP address

# Get ip, $IP and instanceID
echo "Get ip of instance"
IP=`aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids $IID --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].PublicIpAddress' --output text --profile reprodnk\`
echo "Found IP as $IP"
  1. Push needed files

# Push stuff to instance
# Assuming (for now) remote dir exists and contains manifest
# make sure to include this requirement in the instructions

echo "Pushing stuff"

# Creds

scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ~/DNK_CRNC.pem ~/.aws/credentials ubuntu@${IP}:~/.aws/.

# script

scp -p -i ~/DNK_CRNC.pem ${localscriptpath}/$remotescript ubuntu@${IP}:${remdir}/.

# Manifest file (assuming it's there for now, during EC2 setup, but should check)

#scp -i ~/DNK_CRNC.pem ${sourcedir}/datastructure_manifest.txt ubuntu@${IP}:${remdir}/.

# Subjects

scp -i ~/DNK_CRNC.pem ${sourcedir}/subj.txt ubuntu@${IP}:${remdir}/.

# Subsets

scp -i ~/DNK_CRNC.pem ${sourcedir}/subsets.txt ubuntu@${IP}:${remdir}/.

# FS License

scp -i ~/DNK_CRNC.pem ${sourcedir}/license.txt ubuntu@${IP}:${remdir}/.
  1. Launch the script on EC2

# Launch process on instance
echo "commands=${remdir}/$remotescript $basename"
aws ssm send-command --document-name "AWS-RunShellScript" --document-version "1" \
--instance-ids "$IID" --parameters "commands=$remdir/$remotescript $basename" \
--timeout-seconds "600" --max-concurrency "50" --max-errors "0" \
--output-s3-bucket-name "abcd-test" --region us-east-1 --profile reprodnk


  1. Browser open to EC2 (https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/v2/home?region=us-east-1#Instances:sort=instanceState)

  2. Browser open to S3 (https://s3.console.aws.amazon.com/s3/buckets/abcd-test/output/?region=us-east-1&tab=overview)

  3. Desktop: (https://28939.nitrcce.org/guacamole/#/client/TklUUkMtQ0UAYwBkZWZhdWx0?username=ubuntu&password=i-0e8750dd1c7e02355)

  4. Locally run:

CloudComputeExample davidkennedy$ ./abcd-test_local.sh ~/abcd-test example-1

The instance in EC2 console:


The resulting output in S3 viewer:


Log file generated:

running PreFreeSurfer
/opt/pipeline/PreFreeSurfer/PreFreeSurferPipeline.sh \
    --path=/output/sub-NDARINV6WH2N8P4/ses-baselineYear1Arm1/files \
    --subject=NDARINV6WH2N8P4 \
    --t1=/bids_input/sub-NDARINV6WH2N8P4/ses-baselineYear1Arm1/anat/sub-NDARINV6WH2N8P4_ses-baselineYear1Arm1_rec-normalized_T1w.nii.gz \
    --t2= \
    --t1template=/opt/pipeline/global/templates/MNI152_T1_1mm.nii.gz \
    --t1templatebrain=/opt/pipeline/global/templates/MNI152_T1_1mm_brain.nii.gz \
    --t1template2mm=/opt/pipeline/global/templates/MNI152_T1_2mm.nii.gz \
    --t2template=/opt/pipeline/global/templates/MNI152_T2_1mm.nii.gz \
    --t2templatebrain=/opt/pipeline/global/templates/MNI152_T2_1mm_brain.nii.gz \
    --t2template2mm=/opt/pipeline/global/templates/MNI152_T2_2mm.nii.gz \
    --templatemask=/opt/pipeline/global/templates/MNI152_T1_1mm_brain_mask.nii.gz \
    --template2mmmask=/opt/pipeline/global/templates/MNI152_T1_2mm_brain_mask_dil.nii.gz \
    --brainsize=150 \
    --fnirtconfig=/opt/pipeline/global/config/T1_2_MNI152_2mm.cnf \
    --fmapmag=NONE \
    --fmapphase=NONE \
    --fmapgeneralelectric=NONE \
    --echodiff=NONE \
    --SEPhaseNeg=NONE \
    --SEPhasePos=NONE \
    --echospacing=NONE \
    --seunwarpdir=NONE \
    --t1samplespacing=0.000008138 \

The running EC2 instance in VNC:
